Unlimited Number of Greenhouses and Their Sizes
Access to External Weather Forecast Conditions
Technological Maps from Specialists
Technological Maps from AI
Editing Technological Maps
Creating Your Own Technological Maps
Managing Stages of the Technological Map
Smart Information Assistant
Transferring Information to Employees
До 4 датчиков и систем
Неограниченное количество
теплиц и их размеров
Доступ к внешним условиям
прогноза погоды
Технологические карты
от специалистов
Технологические карты
от ИИ
Управление этапами
технологической карты
Умный информационный
Передача информации
Control Systems (Irrigation, Heating, Vents, etc.)
Management of the System Based on the Technological Map
Improvement of Technological Maps Based on Data
Analytics with Indicator
Ability to Export Data for External Analysis
Ability to Share Indicator
Data with External Individuals (Agronomists and Specialists) for Analysis
Sensors and Their Indicators
No Sensors and Control Systems
Up to 4 Sensors and Control Systems
Unlimited Number of Greenhouses and Their Sizes
Access to External Weather Forecast Conditions
Technological Maps from Specialists
Technological Maps from AI
Editing Technological Maps
Creating Your Own Technological Maps
Managing Stages of the Technological Map
Smart Information Assistant
Transferring Information to Employees
Control Systems (Irrigation, Heating, Vents, etc.)
Management of the System Based on the Technological Map
Improvement of Technological Maps Based on Data
Analytics with Indicator
Ability to Export Data for External Analysis
Ability to Share Indicator
Data with External Individuals (Agronomists and Specialists) for Analysis
Sensors and Their Indicators
Up to 100 Sensors and Control Systems
Unlimited Number of Greenhouses and Their Sizes
Access to External Weather Forecast Conditions
Technological Maps from Specialists
From 100 Sensors and Control Systems
Technological Maps from AI
Editing Technological Maps
Creating Your Own Technological Maps
Unlimited Number of Greenhouses and Their Sizes
Managing Stages of the Technological Map
Access to External Weather Forecast Conditions
Smart Information Assistant
Technological Maps from Specialists
Transferring Information to Employees
Technological Maps from AI
Control Systems (Irrigation, Heating, Vents, etc.)
Editing Technological Maps
Management of the System Based on the Technological Map
Creating Your Own Technological Maps
Improvement of Technological Maps Based on Data
Managing Stages of the Technological Map
Analytics with Indicator
Smart Information Assistant
Ability to Export Data for External Analysis
Transferring Information to Employees
Ability to Share Indicator
Data with External Individuals (Agronomists and Specialists) for Analysis
Sensors and Their Indicators
Control Systems (Irrigation, Heating, Vents, etc.)
Management of the System Based on the Technological Map
Improvement of Technological Maps Based on Data
Analytics with Indicator
Ability to Export Data for External Analysis
Ability to Share Indicator
Data with External Individuals (Agronomists and Specialists) for Analysis
Sensors and Their Indicators